Nannen Arboretum Society, Inc.

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2023

Ellicottville Town Center

Members Attending:  Sue Blesy, Pat Kerl, Nan Miller, Gretchen Plough, Diane Smith, Steve Ward. Absent was MJ Brown.

  1. Approved agenda
  2. Call to order and welcomed.
  3. The Ploetz family gave all the volunteers a thank you gift of a Yeti thermos.
  4. Minutes: The trustees considered the minutes of the April 10, 2023 meeting.  Gretchen moved and Pat seconded the motion to accept the minutes.  The motion was approved and carried by a unanimous vote.  Nan suggested that we put a copy of our minutes to all volunteers under news on our web site.  Sue made a motion and Steve seconded it.  The vote was unanimous. Nan will post a sign in our volunteer time book with the details.
  5. Correspondence: Greg Spako received a response from D.E.C about the cutting of the underbrush along various highways.
  6. Treasury: Pat reported a total income of $1053.00 for the 4/1/23- 4/30/23 quarter.  Expenses totaled $1772.00.  Sue moved and Gretchen seconded to accept the report. The motion was approved and carried by a unanimous vote.
  7.   Reports from Committees /Projects:
  8. Herb Garden:  The Dogwoods are all planted in the herb garden with one left over that is going to be planted beside patio garden.
  9. Update of volunteers: No Report
  10. Update of Pruning Plan:
  11. Contacting another tree Pruning Company to do some work .Trees needing pruning are the Kentucky coffee Trees, Scarlet Oak, honey locust, and River Birch.
  12. The hazelnuts have been moved to a different location.
  13.  Update on Grounds Maintenance Plan:
  14. Dan Aldrich has been contacted about painting the bridge.
  15. Reviewed Julie Trett’s proposal of $130.00 per tree for 26 trees for a total of $3380.00 to create mulch beds for trees above the pond.  We will provide the newspapers, cardboard and mulch and she will add the mulch.  We need to know how much mulch needed and where to put the mulch for best access. Julie will also give us a bid to repair drainage ditch
  16. Membership Committee: No Repor
  17. Education and Interpretive Signage:
  1. We made $135.00 with speaker Tim Baird workshop.
  2. Nan is getting new signs for Hugelkultur, snag tree etc. out front.
  3. Arbor Day:  It was agreed that it was a great success.  A special thanks went out to Nan and Pat for all their hard work putting it together.
  4.   Report from Master Gardner:  Shannon Rinow has reported that the raised garden bed project has been postponed for this year.  The Master Gardner program is graduating 6 new Master Gardeners this year.
  5. Unfinished Business: Caitlyn Croft was absent from meeting.
  6. New Business:
  7. We all signed the” Conflict of Interest” forms and returned to Pat.
  8. Adjournment: Motion was made by Sue to adjourn meeting, Gretchen seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.
  9. Next meeting will be on June 12, 2023 at 10:30.


Respectfully submitted Diane Smith secretary.