Nannen Arboretum Society, Inc

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

June 12, 2023, Ellicottville Town Center

Members attending:  Sue Blesy, Pat Kerl, Nan Miller, Gretchen Plough, Diane Smith, Steve Ward, and MJ Brown.

  1. Agenda was approved.
  2. Call to order and welcome.
  3. Minutes: The trustees considered the minutes of the May, 8, 2023 meeting.  Gretchen moved and Nan seconded the motion to accept the minutes.  The motion was approved and carried unanimously.
  4. Correspondence: We received a thank you note from Anita Ploetz and the family thanking us for making Arbor Day so successful.
  5. Treasury: Pat reported a total income of $ 1011.00 for the 5/1/23 – 5/31/23 quarter.  Expenses totaled. $ 647.72.  Gretchen moved and MJ seconded to accept the treasurers report.  The motion was approved and carried by a unanimous vote.
  6. Reports from committees/projects:
    1. Herb Garden – Matt Snyder  and Marguerite Newton have been weeding and planting in the herb garden.
    2. Update of Volunteers: No report
    3. Update on Pruning Plan: –
      1. Discussed the problem of some vandalism in the Arboretum around the new dogwood plantings. We thought that we should report to the Town and or maybe the police.
      2. A motion was made by Steve and seconded by Gretchen to accept the bid from Bradley Tree & Landscaping for the trimming and removal of certain trees around the Arboretum.
      3. We received 5 yards of mulch from Bruce Winship.
  7. Update on Grounds Maintenance Plan:
    1. Several tree signs were ruined by the mowers. We need to address this with the mowers.
    2. Dan Aldrich has agreed to donate paint, scrape, and paint and seal our bridge for $500.00.
    3. We are making plans to move the wood chips to the Northrup.
  8. Education and Interpretive Signage:
    1. We need to frame several of our signs for better visibility.
  9. Unfinished Business:
    1. Steve and MJ reported that they will work on rewriting and/ or creating various needed policies in the fall when things slow down.
  10. New Business:
    1. No new report from Ray about repairs to the shed.
  11. Adjournment: A motion was made by Sue and seconded by Diane to adjourn the meeting It was approved unanimously.
  12. Next meeting will be on July 10, 2023 at 10:30.

Respectively submitted, Diane Smith secretary